Security Programs

Ensuring the security of your organization is a crucial step in protecting both your business and your customers. By regularly evaluating and updating your security procedures, you can stay ahead of potential threats and minimize the risk of data breaches or other security incidents.​

By taking a proactive approach to security, you can demonstrate your commitment to responsible data management and create a secure environment within your organization. Start taking the necessary steps to mature the security of your organization today!​

Be Aware: Evaluate your security posture

Evaluate your security posture by completing two surveys featuring simple YES/NO questions. The first assesses your organization’s security maturity, while the second evaluates your IT readiness, scrutinizing the security maturity of your IT environment. You can use these surveys as check lists to understand what actions you need to take to improve your security posture.

To access these surveys, you should request a REGISTRATION KEY, and an access link from your Volvo Group contact.

By taking part in this program, you will get reports on your:



Be Aware: Test your employees

Phishing attacks are one of the most common types of cybercrime, and they can have devastating consequences for organizations and individuals alike. They can install malware, such as ransomware, sabotage systems or steal user data and sensitive information, which may bring your business to a halt. That’s why it’s essential to prepare your workforce to detect and respond to these attacks correctly. Test how your employees react on a simulated phishing email. In a report you can see the results of your organization compared with others.

To access this program, you should request a REGISTRATION KEY from your Volvo Group contact.
By taking part in the program, you will get:

Phishing Simulation

Choice of Participants


Security Awareness Program

To strengthen the security awareness within your organization you can invest in a Security Awareness Program. Such programs equip your organization with the knowledge and readiness to detect and respond to cybersecurity threats, thereby significantly reducing the risk of security breaches and protecting sensitive data.

In the Security Awareness Program provided by our partner, Fortra, you will get regular simulated phishing emails, a Report Phish button in Outlook, online trainings, and reports to follow results and progress.

Volvo Group recommends you to participate in this program, but there are other options to choose from on the market. So, make this valuable investment and give your employees the habits they need to keep your business safe.

To access this program, you should request a REGISTRATION KEY from your Volvo Group contact.

By taking part in this program, you will get:

Online trainings

Phishing Simulations

Phish Service

Follow Up Reports